Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Q: I only started using Facebook recently, and I come to notice that from time to time friends poke me. What does this poke do? And what is the proper response?

photo by drcw

A: Quick answer, poke does nothing, and there is no official rule on how to respond any poke.

One important issue that all Facebook users need to be aware of is if you poke a user who has not become your friends in Facebook, she/he will be able to see your Facebook page for 3 days. Of course, if your Facebook account is open to anyone, this will not make any difference. However, if your account is more of friends only, which means only your friends or family can see your posts, then think twice before you poke others back.

About the meaning of the poke…some see poke as saying, “ Hello!”, and some say poke means sending some kind of “I have my eyes on you” sign. If you have a friend who likes to poke, chances are he/she may just want to say “Hello~!” But for the sure reason, you can ask the person through the Facebook message. There are countless articles on the webs discussing this mysterious Facebook poke function, and they have their own explanations. Some articles write about the age of poke being gone, and others are posting about the poke coming back.

If you ask me, “so what do you do with all those pokes? ”, my answer is, I get better things to do, and I will get back to them when I feel like to.

Read related article:  What’s Different Between Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Blogger, and Wordpress?

Read related article: How Can I Use Those Free Instant Messaging (IM)?

Now, you can either read the related articles, or share this page. Then get up and enjoy your life.

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